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Construction looms as community rallies behind #BuildThemUp in big way

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

We are so grateful to our community for helping to create Calgary’s first Centre for Child & Adolescent Mental Health through our Build Them Up campaign.

Since the project was announced last year, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Donations for the centre have now reached $18 million!

Support for this crucial initiative extends far beyond the bricks and mortar of a new building. Those who donate are making an investment in the long-term health and happiness of generations of young people in our community.

Work on the new centre continues with preliminary preparations for construction now underway in Hounsfield Heights.

Centre for Child & Adolescent Mental health work site
Stuart Olson has moved their trailers on site and they're ready to ramp up construction activity.

Development permit now in hand

The City of Calgary approved the development permit in mid-September, formally greenlighting the commencement of construction. In order for this to begin, the decommissioned detention centre on the far south side of the property needs to be removed. Abatement began in August, with demolition and construction planned for this fall. Deep services work for water and sewer across the site will begin soon as well.

What will the Centre look like on the inside?

The design development process is well underway with the project team and architects adding detail to the schematic designs, including room configurations and interior and exterior finishes. An important part of this planning involves consulting with people who have insight and experience with delivering and accessing mental health services. Staff, youth and family advisors are all pleased to be engaged in this process and are helping to shape the final product.

Members of the Youth Advisory Council provide hands-on feedback around options for interior and exterior finishes.

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